Tuesday 4 June 2024

Active Denial (2018) C20

This was the other tape which came to me through some bloke taking a million years to post the record for which I had paid generous numismatic inducement - full story here if you can be bothered. When he suggested I pick a tape from the list he'd provided as compensation for his taking a million years to send me a Smell & Quim album, I went for this one by Active Denial, or possibly just called Active Denial, because I hadn't heard of any of them and the title sounded promising. 'A wise choice,' my contact remarked as though congratulating me on picking a particularly fine cigar from the available selection before again failing to get my fucking record in the mail for the millionth time.

Well, for what it's worth, it did indeed seem to be a wise choice. Excepting a few things by +DOG+ here and there, I don't really keep up with what's going on in power electronics and the like, so it's nice to hear something which, even if it does mostly what I expected it to do, still surprises me. This one is a single continuous assault comprising three tracks (my incrementation of which is mostly guesswork) with the sort of er... philosophical intensity I associate with the last years of Whitehouse; so I don't know what's going on here but it rewards repeat listening.
On the subject of things I don't know, we also have anything about the person or persons who recorded this - who were very cooperative and happy for me to share the tape, but asked that I refrain from linking their Bandcamp page, so I haven't; but Google is your friend, as smug internet pedants are wont to say, so I'm sure you can find out for yourself.


1 - Psalm
2 - Smoke
3 - Champagne

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