Tuesday 28 May 2024

Tarzanz Milkmen (1985) C30

Something of a change of tone this week given that this lot wouldn't have sounded out of place on the Stiff label around 1979 sitting, as they did, at a point somewhere between the Clash and er... True Colours era Split Enz. This may be a lazy musical comparison, but the vocals definitely remind me of Tim Finn. Anyway, I saw them live in either 1985 or possibly 1986 when they played at Maidstone Art College, and they were fucking terrific, inspiring me to purchase both their six-track studio demo and 7" single right there on the spot - all of which is included here in the download, with Hands and Common Girls being from the single.

By the way, it's taken all of my powers of self control to remain faithful to the band's annoying spelling of their own name, and the main thing which has kept me from correcting it to Tarzan's Milkmen is the thought that just possibly they were all milkmen who bonded over regular deliveries made to a nightclub (or summink) called Tarzanz. I don't know. Nor do I know anything else about them beyond what I've been able to glean from a two page interview in Acrylic Daze fanzine, whatever that was - scanned and included in the download so as to give you something to read and to distract from the Jim Davidson-esque lyrics of Down Down Down, one of those songs about how birds never fucking shut up, do they - always talking - yap yap yap. At this point it may have become obvious that if you've come here looking for Gerogerigegege outtakes, this one may not be for you. It's not the greatest thing I've ever heard, but it gets its hooks in after a few plays, and Use Me Dub is as good as any of the Ruts' efforts in that area.


1 - Duran Duran
2 - All Talk
3 - Use Me Dub
4 - Use Me Up
5 - Africa
6 - Down Down Down
7 - Hands
8 - Common Girls

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